DOWNLOAD: Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3

The Battle of Winterfell, the anticipated faceoff between the living and the dead, will reportedly be not only the biggest fight in the history of the show, but the longest battle sequence ever filmed. The episode 3 preview and promotional images don’t show much actual fighting, but after last week’s loving sendoff, we fully expect the Game of Thrones writers to break out hearts into pieces.

Bluntly, this episode will be a bloodbath. While a few main characters are still wearing enough plot armor to make it through the Battle of Winterfell, episode 2 painted targets on many of our favorite side characters’ backs. Brienne finally became a knight, achieving her series-long quest. That beam of pride on her face was a sure sign that she’s a goner. Missandei and Grey Worm made plans to visit her home, Narth, which is a pretty good indication that at least one of them won’t get a nice beach vacation when this is all over. We’re not holding out much hope for Theon, will reach a satisfying/devastating conclusion if he’s killed protecting Brandon Stark, the boy he once held hostage. And the show kept reminding us that the crypts are the safest place in Winterfell, so naturally that doesn’t bode well for the women and children hiding out down there.

Mind you, with this being available, we're left with three episodes to the end of this legendary show!

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